Adroit Techno Solutions believe every business is unique; we make sure that our custom designed product solution meets your specific requirements.

We also have ready-to-use products like eCollege, SMS, POS etc.

eCollege: A complete and comprehensive software which takes care of all the activities of a college starting from day one, viz. admission form to leaving college, admission, attendance, fees, academics - course plan, examination, marks, certificate, achievements, professors as well as management have full grip on the activities and movements of students.

Packed with features to save your time and steps, eCollege is the most flexible and user-friendly software with large number of detailed reports to manage day-to-day activities in a college, more efficiently and effectively. Enhance your productivity and unleash the potential of the college manpower.

SMS (School Management System): It takes care of your in-house needs and makes your job easier and user-friendly, so that your invaluable time can be spent more on pursuit of academic excellence.

Whether it is a one-room school house or a multi-branched institution, SMS makes running a school significantly easier. This powerful program helps you enroll Students and manage Exam Papers, Exam results, invoice, track receivables, print reports and much, much, more !!!

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